The jar file can be downloaded here

submerge-cli is a command line application with the exact same features as the website. The main functionnality is to merge two subtitles into one ASS displaying both, but it can also be used to convert SRT to ASS, ASS to SRT or to change the encoding of a file.

The application is developed in java. So it can be used on linux / Mac / Windows but require to install Java Runtime Environment 8.

To find which version of Java is installed on your computer (windows) :

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe -version

On linux :

java -version

If the java version number is lower than 8, you will need to update it. The use of submerge-cli does not require any other manipulation, you can open a terminal in the same folder as the jar and execute the desired command lines. For instance to print the help :

java -jar submerge-cli.jar --help

To run the jar file in a linux command line (linux), create a file in the same directory as the jar and paste the following code :

MYSELF=`which "$0" 2>/dev/null`
[ $? -gt 0 -a -f "$0" ] && MYSELF="./$0"
if test -n "$JAVA_HOME"; then
exec "$java" $java_args -jar $MYSELF "$@"
exit 1

Then execute :

cat submerge-cli.jar > sbm && chmod +x sbm
mv sbm /usr/bin/

Submerge can now be run like any other linux command :

sbm --help

The merge command inputs 2 subtitles (ASS or SRT) and generate a ASS file in the current directory. To customize the generated subtitle, see the "configuration" tab.

Example :

sbm --merge second_subtitle.ass

The target filename can ne set with --output

sbm --merge --output subtitle_output second_subtitle.ass

Each option can be reduced to its first letter :

sbm -m -o subtitle_output second_subtitle.ass

The srt command inputs 2 subtitles (ASS or SRT) and generate a SRT file in the current directory.

Example :

sbm --srt subtitle.ass

The target filename can ne set with --output

sbm --srt subtitle.ass --output subtitle_output

Each option can be reduced to its first letter :

sbm -s subtitle.ass

The ass inputs 2 subtitles (ASS or SRT) and generate a ASS file in the current directory. To customize the generated subtitle, see the "configuration" tab.

Example :

sbm --ass subtitle.ass

The target filename can ne set with --output

sbm --ass subtitle.ass --output subtitle_output

Each option can be reduced to its first letter :

sbm -a

The utf8 command inputs any file (without format restrinction), guess the encoding and convert its content to UTF-8.

Example :

sbm --utf8

Without other options, this command overwrite the inputed file. The target filename can ne set with --output

sbm --utf8 --output subtitle_output

Each option can be reduced to its first letter :

sbm -u -o file_output

Comme le site, submerge-cli permet de configurer les paramètres les plus courants du fichier ASS généré : couleur, police, taille et contour. Le paramétrage se fait dans un fichier de configuration XML situé à l'intérieur du jar.

Pour le modifier, il faut donc ouvrir le jar avec un gestionnaire d'archive et modifier le fichier user-config.xml :

Celui-ci se présente comme suit :

Le bloc dualAssConfig configure les paramètres utilisés par la commande --merge tandis que le bloc simpleAssConfig configure ceux de la commande --ass. Pour chacun la configuration est similaire et les valeurs possibles de chacune des balise sont les mêmes que sur le site (attention à la police qui doit respecter la casse).